For those wondering, these are the episodes we will be doing (but not in this order): 236-237, 245, 257, 273, 274-275, 281, 282-283, 299-300.
After those episodes, we are DONE. Myself and the vast majority of the staff are already members of other groups (even the same groups, in some cases), so there is no need to keep this group alive anymore. Expect a huge wall of tl;dr when our final episode gets released.
It’s great to hear Joe talk about his journey thogruh student affairs to the presidency of Lyndon State College. The ACE Fellows Program is pleased to have played a role in that journey. As Joe has often stated, “I can say with certainty that the Fellows program and the mentorship I received paved the way for my first presidency.” Joe is an expert on the role of student engagement thogruh student activities and residence life, and how this engagement contributes to student success and attainment, which is a major strategic objective of the American Council on Education on behalf of higher education.
game adrtricges are like 3DS adrtricges, flash memory.PSN games/apps are downloaded via the store, select a game, pay with your PSN wallet, and download. Straight to memory card.the games and downloads are stored to your account so if your memory is broken, download it again without paying again. But if the game cart is broken, you're out of luck unless your warranty covers it.
Even if you leave 236-237 till later, you still have like 10 episodes to do. That's too much for one month. Are you getting DCTP's assistance to speed things up?
Well, thank you so much ! You guys and Kienai have release so much episodes these last weeks, I can't even keep up. Gotta check if I already downloaded them or not XD
Actually, no, since those are already subbed by "Puto" (Spanish -> English translation, but it's better than any XCHKS/CHKS crap). Since those two eps have subs available already, we're going to focus on episodes with no subs at all.